1. After months, perhaps years, of preparation, a plot was launched in April 2024 to oust the Founders of Barnabas Aid.
  2. Key to the plot was Noel Frost, who had worked at Barnabas Aid for 5 years, latterly as International CEO, employed by Nexcus, an American organization which has taken control of Barnabas Aid and is threatening further Christian organisations.
  3. By means of lavish gifts and in other ways, Noel Frost won loyalty for himself from staff who effectively served as his ‘agents’ in every department.His own wife was in the finance department. At the same time, according to reports, he deliberately turned staff and others against the Founders.
  4. He also orchestrated waves of formal complaints against the Founders, some to the Charity Commission, others as internal anonymous whistleblowing.
  5. His efforts were supported by the four white men on the Nexcus board and by Andrew Carey on the Barnabas Aid board. Carey, son of the former archbishop of Canterbury, is skilled in communications and PR. Without doubt he used his skills to instil fear in others, and I personally believe he was a major thinker and planner for the plotters.
  6. Rev. Michael Hewat, chair of the board of Barnabas Aid New Zealand, was deeply implicated, writing in an email as early as 10 April that if the Founders would leave immediately from everything he had reason to believe that the allegations against them would be dropped.
  7. Colin Bloom, current International CEO, comes from the same mould. Within hours of his appointment, the Founders of Barnabas Aid had their emails cut off. The next day the Founders discovered they were banned from the charity’s premises, with hired security guards placed at the gates to keep them out.
  8. Rather than condemn the use of false accusation as a weapon, Colin Bloom uses it himself, as I have described in part 2. One of his favourite claims is that the Founders will not cooperate with the investigation he has set up to look at the allegations against them. Yet he knows full well that the Founders are more than happy to be investigated by any independent and impartial investigator, just not the law firm that works for him.
  9. The current board of Nexcus, Colin Bloom and the new staff he has appointed show a different ethos, priorities and methods from the principles which guided Barnabas Aid, under its three Founders, since 1993.
    34.Is the suffering Church still being helped under Colin Bloom’s leadership? Or is all the money disappearing into salaries, security guards and irrelevant publicity? Those who ask financial questions are liable to find themselves soon afterwards being harrassed, marginalised or accused.
  10. What will become of Barnabas Aid, where trust, accountability and transparency used to be the watchwords?
  11. What will be the impact on the Lord’s persecuted people whom Barnabas was created to help?